Zomentum helps the new age vCIO with quarterly business reviews (QBRs) to assess their clients’ business environment, create a strategic plan, and provide value-added solutions. Ask important questions, forecast technology needs, and become a trusted advisor that other solution providers can’t compete with.
Assess your client’s asset health and current infrastructure risks. Avoid overwhelming your clients with technical jargon and complex terminology. Instead, use a visually intuitive risk matrix. Assign health markers to communicate present and future IT challenges based on risk profiles.
Evaluate infrastructure health and track ongoing improvements with IT health markers. Show the money saved, and crises averted with detailed reports that clarify your client's return on investment and help them understand the progress made every business quarter.
Make recommendations on essential upgrades for long-term business value. Align new requirements towards the overall IT strategy. Act as your client’s vCIO, demonstrating the value of incremental improvements every quarter and moving towards IT strategy goals.
Standardize your QBR process and ensure it delivers consistent results every time.
Create a detailed and structured QBR by covering as much as 100+ issues from 10 categories.
Present strategy and risk reports by choosing between three styles of representation based on your clients’ needs.
With our sales assessment risk matrix, identify & quantify gaps in clients’ infrastructure to show the value you offer.
Help your clients understand complex technology challenges with an intuitive risk matrix and make expert recommendations. Most importantly, risk assessments can assist you in gaining a competitive edge. Identify potential gaps in their infrastructure health and recommend proactive measures for long-term business outcomes.
Once you explain the value of your services, you can create packaged deals to make your prospects more inclined to purchase them without paying full prices for any add-ons. You can offer free trials, discounts, and other sales promotions for these secondary services to make them more appealing and increase your monthly recurring revenue.
When you gather information for your clients, communicate the risks within their business environment and recommend ways to tackle these obstacles with specific services. With customised sales proposals, you can improve your win rates and achieve better results.
Use customizable and interactive templates to create contracts, proposals and quotes.
Become your client’s trusted vCIO and demonstrate return on business investment.
See how Zomentum helps partners accelerate sales, save time, and increase profits