How to Run an MSP QBR Meeting With Clients

MSP QBR meetings are vital for nourishing the relationship between an MSP and its clients. It's a time to showcase your expertise, demonstrate the value of your services, and ensure a seamless partnership moving forward.
In the realm of managed services, customer satisfaction reigns supreme, and the keys to unlocking that satisfaction lie in transparent communication and impeccable service delivery.
MSP Quarterly Business Reviews are the cornerstone in maintaining a strong bond with your clients, enabling you to keep them informed about the diligent work you perform on their behalf. So, grab your notepad and pen, and prepare to discover the strategies that will elevate your MSP QBR meetings to new heights.
In the following sections, we will explore the essential components of a QBR meeting, share practical preparation tips, and outline best practices to ensure a fruitful engagement with your end customers.
Let’s dive right in!
What is an MSP QBR Meeting?
A Quarterly Business Review (QBR) is an opportunity to engage in a strategic discussion with your clients, reviewing their business and exploring ways in which you can provide support. Unlike meetings focused on tactical actions, such as purchasing new equipment or training additional employees, MSP QBR meetings aim to delve into the broader picture of the client's business. Traditionally, Quarterly business reviews for MSPs have been characterized by lengthy sessions that heavily rely on reviewing reports. However, evolving approaches have emphasized the need for meaningful dialogue and a more team-centric approach.
The shift towards a strategic outlook in the MSP QBR process helps establish you as a trusted business advisor rather than a mere vendor. This approach conveys a genuine concern for the client's business outcomes and a willingness to contribute to their success.
It fosters a sense of trust and positions your MSP as a partner in the client's business planning process beyond transactional interactions.
Why is the MSP QBR Important?
The QBR meeting holds significant importance for an MSP's long-term business growth and success.
Here are the key reasons why you should run QBR meetings:
- Relationship Building: MSP quarterly business reviews provide an early opportunity for new MSPs to establish strong relationships with clients and nurture their businesses. For experienced MSPs, it's a chance to reestablish one-on-one connections, even amid rapid client growth.
- Customer Retention: QBRs help reinforce the value of your services and products. By highlighting the ROI your clients receive, you solidify your position as a trusted partner invested in their success.
- Strategic Alignment: Engaging conversations during QBRs enable honest discussions about the client's overall business health, future objectives, and successes. By understanding their values, goals, and objectives, MSPs can align their strategies and tailor their services to match the client's outcomes.
- Exceptional Service Recognition: Regular MSP QBR meetings demonstrate exceptional service and a significant focus on the client's business. This strengthens the client's perception of your MSP as an integral part of their success and future growth, increasing the likelihood of contract renewals.
- Identifying Misalignments: Thorough QBRs help identify conflicts within the service level agreement (SLA) or instances where clients may not be a good match for your services. This enables you to address issues, make informed decisions, and potentially part ways with unprofitable or incompatible clients.
What to Include in the MSP Quarterly Business Review Meeting?

The Quarterly Business Review (QBR) is a valuable opportunity to assess past performance, develop strategies, and establish action plans for future success.
Here’s what you should include in your QBR meeting:
1. Review of Past and Current Goals
Start the QBR meeting by reviewing the goals established in the previous quarter. This review provides insights into the progress made and helps set the stage for future discussions.
To make this effective, share performance metrics with your clients to demonstrate the value your services have brought to their business.
For example, track goals such as replacing outdated workstations and servers by a certain percentage, ensuring that no servers are out of warranty, or reducing software subscription lapses by a specific amount.
2. Strategy Development
After reviewing past goals, shift the discussion to developing a strategy to achieve future goals. This is not an MSP sales pitch but an opportunity to collaborate with your client and address any shortcomings from the previous quarter.
Act as a trusted advisor by offering insights and expertise in IT asset management. Discuss where previous goals fell short and propose improvements to overcome challenges. Emphasize that your goal is not to sell products or services but to find solutions that align with their business objectives.
Consider addressing potential obstacles or challenges that may hinder the achievement of their goals. Proactively suggesting strategies and adjustments will demonstrate your commitment to evolving and improving your approach to meet their needs.
3. Action Plan Implementation
With the strategy in place, it's crucial to establish a clear action plan during the QBR meeting. An action plan outlines the specific steps, responsibilities, and deadlines to ensure progress toward the defined goals.
Work collaboratively with your client to align their expectations and your team's capabilities. By setting clear objectives and deadlines, you reduce the risk of missing critical milestones or falling short on opportunities.
While pricing and cost considerations may arise during the discussion, remain focused on the client's goals and the value your MSP brings to their business.
4. Service Ticket Review
Include a comprehensive review of service tickets from the past quarter in your QBR meeting. Evaluate the volume of tickets, the efficiency of ticket handling, and the overall customer support experience.
Compare the number of open tickets to closed tickets to demonstrate your team's responsiveness and effectiveness. If the numbers are not balanced, take this opportunity to discuss the underlying reasons and propose alternative structures or methods to decrease the number of service tickets.
5. SLA Review
Address your SLA during the QBR meeting to ensure that both parties are aligned on service expectations. Compare the agreed-upon services with the services rendered and highlight areas where you have gone above and beyond the agreement.
Discuss your responsiveness to service requests, meeting or exceeding agreed-upon standards, and any reasons behind any discrepancies. This is also a suitable time to leverage positive client satisfaction surveys that reinforce the value you have provided.
6. Technical Review
,Dedicate a substantial portion of the QBR meeting to the technical aspects of your services. Focus on areas such as endpoint management, infrastructure management, and network security defense.
For endpoint management, discuss patch management to ensure that software updates are regularly applied, endpoint security to address protection against threats, and warranty reporting to keep hardware infrastructure up to date.
Regarding infrastructure management, cover topics such as network uptime, alert trending data to proactively address potential issues, server backups to ensure data security and server patch status to keep systems secure. Providing a detailed technical review during the QBR meeting helps demonstrate your MSP's expertise and highlights the efforts you have undertaken to ensure a secure and reliable IT infrastructure.
How to Prepare for an MSP QBR Meeting?
Preparing for MSP Quarterly Business Reviews is necessary to ensure a smooth and productive session that addresses all relevant points and demonstrates your commitment to meeting client needs.
To make the most of this opportunity, follow these steps before the MSP quarterly business review meeting:
1. Create an agenda
Develop an agenda that outlines the key information you will present to your clients. This agenda should cover the topics you want to discuss in depth during the meeting.
Also, consider including sections where you seek client input to foster a collaborative discussion.
By sharing the agenda in advance, you allow executives and upper management to allocate appropriate time for the meeting, demonstrating your respect for their schedules and priorities.
2. Gather data and do your research
Utilize the three to four months between MSP QBR meetings to analyze relevant data and assess the progress of any initiatives since the last meeting.
Collect client-specific data as well as industry and market data to support your comparisons and provide valuable insights to your client. Review the goals discussed in the previous meeting to ensure you are prepared to report on the progress made.
Also, dedicate ample time to identify any shortfalls or weaknesses and develop potential solutions or strategies to address them effectively.
3. Adjust strategies and tactics
As part of your preparation, be ready to showcase your willingness to adapt and improve. Evaluate your strategies and tactics based on the insights gained from the data analysis and research.
Develop responses that address any shortcomings or weaknesses identified, and outline how you plan to adjust your approach to overcome these challenges.
Follow these steps and enter the quarterly business reviews for MSPs well-prepared, demonstrating a deep understanding of your client's business needs and goals.
Best Practices to Follow for MSP QBR Meetings

Here are some best practices to ensure the successful delivery of quarterly business reviews for MSPs:
1. Define the Value of a QBR Meeting
- Identify each client's needs and goals to understand how the QBR can assist them in achieving those objectives.
- Tailor the meeting to address their specific requirements, such as reviewing security risks or demonstrating the cost of slow computers.
2. Size up Your Client
- Categorize clients based on their size and needs, such as high-touch, medium-touch, and low-touch.
- Determine the frequency of meetings and the level of preparation required for each category.
3. Get the Right People in the Room
- Ensure that key individuals are present, including the account manager, primary client contact, decision-maker, and finance representative.
- Include project-specific representatives, if relevant, to discuss upcoming disruptive projects.
4. Keep It Simple
- Respect your client's time by providing information clearly and concisely.
- Use high-level overviews, key insights, and visual aids like graphs to present data effectively.
- Customize the presentation based on the client's preferences and focus on what is most important to them.
5. Standardize and Optimize
- Develop a checklist to standardize your QBR preparation process.
- Incorporate questions about the agenda, necessary preparations, and follow-up actions.
- Continuously refine and expand the checklist based on the value you want to deliver, client size, attendee roles, and desired level of detail.
Streamline Your QBR Meetings With Zomentum
You can strengthen client relationships and drive business growth by including the MSP metrics and implementing the preparation process and best practices for MSP QBR meetings mentioned in this blog.
However, to truly streamline the MSP QBR process and enhance the experience, leveraging a platform like Zomentum proves invaluable.
Zomentum allows you to identify the gap in the client’s environment, present detailed MSP QBRs, and even upsell essential services. You can maintain close records of client interactions, collaborate effectively, and streamline follow-up actions.
Embrace the power of technology and unlock the full potential of your QBR meetings with Zomentum.